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What is our educational philosophy?

Our pedagogy is largely based on education alternative models* of Free Schooling, Democratic Education, and Self-Directed Education. These models of education have a pedagogy that is grounded in high respect for children, personal choice, freedom and responsibility to be and to do, as each learner prefers.  It is not coercive or manipulative for the learner by the adult or other learners in the community.  Each learner has the choice to attend an offering or not.  They have a responsibility to themselves to find out what inspires them, their learning, and their passions. 


What is our relational philosophy?

We operate on the principles of mindfulness and compassionate communication.  We nurture the humanity within us and in our interactions with others.


To the community of peers the explorers have a responsibility to be kind and considerate.  They have a responsibility to know everyone’s needs matter and they don’t have to suppress their own needs to meet another’s needs.  It is personal responsibility for students to learn and utilize compassionate (non-violent) communication skills rather than modes of passive aggressive or avoidance.  For siblings and previously established friendships in the group, we encourage inclusion, kindness and openness to each other and new relations in the community to support the values we wish to see in the larger society.


What about electronics?

Stay the process of updating our electronics policy.


Previous years:

Our largest variance from the alternative education pedagogies mentioned above is in use of electronics.  We are a screen-free community in regards to personal electronic devices used for entertainment.  From time to time we will collectively watch you-tube or documentaries as it relates to educational exploration.

This workshop with Dr. Dan Siegel and others sponsored by Heart-Mind Online is offered to our parents in support of navigating "the fire of our time."


*Suggested Readings for New Families:

  • Non-Violent Communication, Marshall Rosenberg

  • Self-Directed Learning, Blake Boles

  • Free to Learn, Peter Gray

  • The Teenage Liberation Handbook, Grace Llewellyn

  • Education and Significance of Life, Jiddu Krishnamurti

  • Parenting for a Peaceful World, Robin Grille

  • Sociocratic Circles information through Documentary: School Circles

  • PBL: Project Based Learning, see

  • ALC: Agile Learning Centers

  • Liberated Learners

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On Holistic Global Education: 

We strive to nurture our seeds of humanity and focus on globally applicable education, crafted and explored in an active co-learning environment within a community constantly striving towards kindness and empathetic connection within its members.

Some background on Holistic Education (


Active co-learning environment: Houston's Energy HS uses Project Based Learning ( and the University of Houston encourages its faculty to use POGIL (process-oriented guided inquiry learning,  We strive to merge active learning with free-learning in a collaborative setting.  This concept empowers our children to follow their interests and engage to the point of their choosing.

Co-Learning (collaborative or connected learning) references: 

Connected Learning Explained

Co-Learning in Education

Connected Learning Report

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